My Blogs allow me to rant and rave about movies, scrapbooking, motherhood, saving money, and whatever else I'd like. I'm finding it to be a great release for me. I hope that others enjoy it as well.

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Museums in KC
Staying on the art theme for a minute, I thought I'd share some of my pics from our last visit to the Nelson-Atkins Museum and my favorite, the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art here in Kansas City, MO.

I was trying to get things from different perspectives and I think I did pretty well.

This is my favorite piece at Kemper. It's a staple, "Untitled" by Petah Coyne. The pic doesn't do it justice. It's actually all of these small pieces that look like they're covered in wax or tar.

My Husband, framed

Me and my babe. Apparently it's been longer than I thought cause we're dressed for the cold. Of course I like wearing winter hats so I drag that out as long as I can.

This is actually in the parking area, but we had some time before it opened and so I thought I'd play around.
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