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Free eBooks thru Google Books: Craft Books
While I've been aware of sites where you can read books for free on-line, I haven't paid too much attention to them. I'm big on libraries and the old fashion idea of reading...with an actual book in hand. Frankly, I stare at a computer screen too often to want to read anything of real substance this way. I do, however, read blogs and forums, anything that can be done relatively quickly.

So, that being said Google books does offer free books, more importantly to me, they have some craft books. These are great for referencing once you have to take the real thing back to the library.

Titles include, The Michaels Book of Arts & Crafts and The New Book of Image Transfer just to name a couple.

Here's their complete list of craft books. Of course they have all kinds of books of every subject as well.
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