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June 1st - 7th CVS Deals: what I got and how

I had some $5 off $15 CVS coupons that were ending yesterday and so I made a mad rush to get a list together and go. Because I wanted to use more than one of these coupons, I had to do my shopping in three transactions.

1. If you buy $20 worth of Pampers, you get $5 ECBs. There was a $2 coupon FIP. So, I bought 2 things of jumbo diapers, on sale for $7.99 a piece and 2 things of wipes on sale for $2.99, for a total of $21.96.

-$5 CVS coupon
-$2 coupon
-$5 ECB

2. Buy $20 worth of Charmin, Bounty and/or Duracell get $10 ECBs. I bought the 3 Duracell for $2.99 each and 2 Bounty paper towels for $5.99 each, totalling 20.95.

-$5 CVS coupon
-$1.50 in coupons FIP and there was a coupon attached to batteries
-$10 ECB

3. Pantene shampoo is 3 for $10 plus get 3 ECBs = 3/$7 - $4 in coupons FIP = 3/$3

Huggies lotion or wash is $3.49, get 2 ECBs = 1.49 - $1 coupon FIP = .49

CVS band aids are $1.99, get $1.99 ECBs (limit 2) = FREE

Chex on sale for $1 each - 4 $1 coupons found here = FREE

Dawn is 2/$2 with 1 ECB = 2/$1 -.75 coupons FIP = 2/.25

Glade is .88 and I had a BOGO free coupon so I got 2 for .88

Listerine is $3.49 with $3.49 ECBs(limit 2) = FREE plus get $1 coupons here for a PROFIT of $1 each.

All of that originally totaled $32.21.

-$5 CVS coupon
-$16.96 ECB
-$3 off $15 coupon You can get one by following instructions on Money Saving Mom's blog here.
-$12.63 other coupons
= PROFIT $5.38

So, transactions #1, 2, and 3 totaled $9.03. Of course, I used my ECBs from last time and so I paid nothing but tax on all of the things shown in picture.

There are some other deals I went for but they were already out. I'll have to get them next time. You can view CVS' ad here.

Feel free to share your deals by clicking the Mister Linky below.
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