My Blogs allow me to rant and rave about movies, scrapbooking, motherhood, saving money, and whatever else I'd like. I'm finding it to be a great release for me. I hope that others enjoy it as well.

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My Blogging Journey : Templates

I have made my career working on the Internet for many years but I have only recently started blogging. I decided I should document my journey on trying to make a successful blog. Whether successful means that I make money at it or that I just have a following, I don't know yet. I just know that I am enjoying doing it and feel this is something that I will continue to do. So, if I can help others learn to blog while I'm learning myself, then that's great!

First thing I do after I start a new blog is to pick a new template. There is a plethora of free blogger templates out there. I've used templates from Blogcrowds.com before. They seem to have as good of a selection as anyone.

Then, I usually try and customize the template to make it my own. If you check back, you will see the changes I'm talking about. Now, I'm okay at HTML but there are still things I need help with. In those cases, I Google what I'm trying to do and hope someone has a tutorial.

Blogger Buster has a free ebook that has been very helpful to me. In fact I've been using it to play around with this blog. I think I've made some nice changes as a result.

Some of the stuff I already knew but it's nice to be able to have directions just in case you forget, which I do alot. I highly recommend taking a look. It is super easy to follow and can help you do some neat things to make your blog your own.

I would love to hear where you get your free templates.
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