My Blogs allow me to rant and rave about movies, scrapbooking, motherhood, saving money, and whatever else I'd like. I'm finding it to be a great release for me. I hope that others enjoy it as well.

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Checking out the Blogosphere
I've spent the past could days checking out the blogosphere or others blogs, the blogging community, whatever you want to call it. I find it to be really helpful in getting me more focused. I realize I need a clearer vision with my blogs.

So, I have been trying to go back through old posts:

  • Adding more content and pictures
  • Making the content count. If it's a book, I name the title and the author; if it's a singer, I post song titles, etc. Basically, mentioning anything people might be searching for in regard to my subject.
  • If I've written about something similar on other blogs, I link to that post
  • Asking the reader questions to try and get them engaged
  • Trying to find other relevant resources
  • Trying to get my blog looking sharp

If anyone has any other tips, I'd love to hear them. I'll keep you posted on any new tips I come across.

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