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Easter & other spring crafts
Easter's coming so I have been doing some searching for Easter crafts.

To be honest Easter's not my favorite holiday from a crafter's standpoint. The last thing I want is a bunch of stuffed rabbits in my house. I'd much rather do something I can re-use every year, like the wreaths or the carrot table runner shown.

Better yet, I like things I can use year round, like the Easter egg snake. Finally something to do with those things, besides hide them of course.

I also like the idea of doing keepsakes like wooden egg ornaments. Or maybe even starting new traditions, like doing paper mache eggs or chicks that can be used as pinatas. Hey, it's a different way of getting candy anyway.

Another option, is to use the time to make spring crafts. I found these cute ladybug painted rocks on kaboose. That, or try heat embossing (right). These aren't for Easter but if you do them on or around Easter, they can be just as special.

Here's some more Easter crafts I like from BHG:

Bath Ball/Egg Gift Carton

Egg Tree with birds

Egg Garland made from blown out eggs
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