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Saving money on Cable & Phone
On a different note, I didn't know this, but according to Woman's Day, some cable companies will let you put your cable on "vacation" hold while you go on...vacation, of course. Now, this could mean they won't bill you or they will drop your service to "basic" for that period. All you have to do is call and ask.

Also, some may not know that there may be cheaper packages out there than you think. I thought I was at the cheapest with the basic package at my old cable company, but then found that there was an even cheaper one they didn't even tell me about. I would never have known except I found out on-line. We lost half our channels, but I only watched one of them so there was no love lost for me. Might be worth asking about.

Bundle packages that allow you to get your phone, cable and internet through the same provider are usually cheaper, than if you spread your services out amongst companies.

Tip Hero has a great article on how to save money on your cable by watching more Hulu! For those who don't know, you can find all the best tv shows on Hulu.com. I go there to watch any shows I might miss when my DVR doesn't record for some reason.

I know a lot of people who just switch their service providers when the initial contracts are up. Usually, when you call to disconnect, your current provider will match the price you found elsewhere.

As far as the phone goes, a lot of people have disconnected their landlines and just use their cell phones, which saves them money. However, it's very important to remember that landlines are better in the case of emergency. 9-1-1 can find you quicker at home than if they have to try and find you on your cell. Just something to think about.
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